Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A Wednesday With The Kids

Andrew’s niece and nephew came over today to spend the day with us (of course, their mother came, too—she had to, as neither Tim nor Helena has been issued a valid Minnesota driver’s license and cannot get around on their own).

They came over around 10:00 a.m., and we all immediately set out for the park.

The park is only four blocks away, and we walked over, except for Andrew’s niece, who was in a stroller.

It was a beautiful morning, a perfect morning for a visit to the park.

We walked all through the park, and played with Andrew’s nephew on the swings and slides and merry-go-rounds set up for small children. Andrew’s mother and Lizbeth sat with the baby in the shade while Andrew and I (and the dog) played with Tim. We had a marvelous time.

It was the second park visit of the day for the dog—Andrew and I had had to take him to the park for a romp at 5:45 a.m., too, as he always demands an early-morning visit to the park whenever we are home.

We went home for lunch. We had chicken-salad sandwiches—a particular chicken-salad that Tim especially likes—and we enjoyed the sandwiches with Amish sweet pickles and Amish pepper salad, both of which are to die for. Andrew’s niece had a lunch of chicken broth, pureed peas and pureed pears.

After the kids had had their afternoon naps, we played out in the back yard for the balance of the afternoon. Andrew and I played kickball with Tim all over the back yard while Andrew’s mother and Lizbeth and the baby watched from the shade.

Andrew’s brothers joined us for dinner. Gathering for dinner on Wednesday nights has become the custom since they returned to Minneapolis.

Andrew’s mother prepared a pork loin baked in a coating of cranberries and special seasonings. She served the loin with stuffing, lima beans, white corn, glazed carrots and a tomato-cucumber salad. For dessert, she had made an apple pie, which we ate with a cinnamon sauce and ice cream.

Helena had a dinner of pureed lima beans (which she seemed to like), pureed glazed carrots (which she also seemed to like), and pureed cooked cranberries. She also had ice cream and a tiny bit of pureed apple pie (which she liked very, very much).

Everyone departed at 8:00 p.m., because the kids have to turn in early and because Alec and Alex have work tomorrow.

Andrew and I spent the remainder of the evening doing the dishes and cleaning up the kitchen and talking with Andrew’s mother and father about many, many things.

Tomorrow will be devoted to strawberries. Andrew’s mother has a source that supplies her with exceptional strawberries, and she has decided to make use of the available strawberries tomorrow.

Andrew and I will help her.

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