One of my Christmas gifts to my sister was a kind of joke: two Dads Against Daughters Dating Democrats bumper stickers. (I had to buy two, as the vendor only sells the bumper sticker in pairs.)
My sister is a political conservative, and she has claimed, since she was a freshman in high school, that she could never marry a Democrat. I thought she might appreciate the sentiment expressed on the bumper sticker—which she very much did.
She immediately affixed one of the bumper stickers to a storage unit in her bedroom at home, and she intends to take the other bumper sticker back to Vanderbilt and mount it on her dorm wall.
Further, my sister asked me to send her six more D.A.D.D.D. bumper stickers after she returned to Nashville, because she wants to give them to four friends—and to two professors “who are greatly in need of something like this”.
I told her that the $9.95 I had spent on her two bumper stickers had exhausted my bumper sticker allowance for the year, and that she would have to spend her own money if she wanted more bumper stickers.