In the last decade of his life, Monet painted three massive water lily canvases depicting the vista from his own gardens at Giverny. The paintings were intended as a triptych, and the Cleveland canvas—intended to be the left panel of the triptych—is the most famous and is generally considered to be the finest of the three water lily paintings.
All three canvases reside in American museums. The other two are in collections in Missouri: at the Saint Louis Museum Of Art and at the Nelson-Atkins Museum in Kansas City.
The three paintings were last displayed as a triptych in 1979, when they were gathered first in Kansas City and later in Saint Louis and Cleveland.
All three canvases will once again be joined beginning next year, to be displayed first in Kansas City and afterward in Saint Louis and Cleveland.

Claude Monet (1840-1926)
Water Lilies (Agapanthus)
Cleveland Museum Of Art
Oil On Canvas
79 1/4 Inches By 169 7/16 Inches